Securing sufficient and steady funding is our biggest challenge. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we are desperately in need of your generous donations! All funds donated to Mutt Madd-ness are tax-deductible and go directly to the animals’ care. The funds help provide food, medical treatment, and safe shelter until they are adopted.
Many of our animals come into our care with medical problems, heartworm disease being one of the most prevalent, and as a result, vet bills can become overwhelming. Getting our rescues into good physical health, spayed/ neutered, micro-chipped, socialized, and into a safe, forever environment is our primary focus.
Visit our Corporate Sponsorship page and see how your organization can help!
- The gang at day play.
- Love.

Tribute Donation
Honor special people or occasions (birthdays, anniversaries or holiday, etc.) with a designated gift. Or honor the memory of a deceased family member, friend, neighbor, colleague, etc.
This is a two-step process. Make your donation to Paypal (donate button) and then send us a related message in the form directly below. Once submitted you will receive a "thank you" success response directly where the form was.

Valentine's Medical Fund
Year's ago we received such wonderful support when we asked for your financial help with two of our pups in medical crisis "Little Bit" and Mulligan. It was because of these two wonderful dogs that we decided to start The Mutt Madd-ness Valentine's Fund. It has continued and will hopefully flourish. This fund supports our ongoing efforts to provide the special medical care that we sometimes find ourselves having to obtain for our rescues. Medical care that in the past has saved wonderful - loving - productive pups like Sundance, Cassidy, Lulu, Butch, Dali, Roxie, Paris and so many others. Your donation to this fund is a direct lifeline to so many!

Our Wishing Well
You can also visit our Amazon Wish list at the bottom for a list of additional items and check out Wikibuy to find the best savings when purchasing donation items.
- Pet Store, Gas & Grocery Gift Cards
- Newspapers
- ZEP Disinfectant Spray
- Hand Sanitizer
- Blankets
- Towels & Towel Bath Mats
- Paper Towels
- Plastic Garbage Bags (Large)
- HE Laundry Detergent
- Clorox Bleach
- Training Treats
- Bones, rawhide, bully sticks, chew things...
- Dog Food (Gift card is best - we keep our dogs on specific foods)
- Toys: Large and small dog
- K-9 Advantix or Frontline Flea Treatment
- Wet Wipes
- Shop here.
We can also use your services…
Our long range goal is to establish a housing facility where our pets can be safely sheltered until they find loving, adoptive parents. We are happy to accept your monetary donations, but are also more than eager to receive generous donations from yours or your company’s services. Say you own a restaurant where we could hold fundraisers, or you might work for a printing company that could provide printing for our promotional materials, think creatively - outside the box… remember, we need all kinds of help and we certainly welcome it all.
Make your donation see double!
Mutt Madd-ness is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and therefore will qualify for most company's matching gift programs. Check with your HR Department to see if they have a matching program in place. If they do, just send us the paperwork. We'll do the rest!
Physical donations can be delivered during business hours to:
Haven the Dog Spot
4719 Lower Roswell Road, Suite 160
Marietta, GA 30068
Note: We consider any information provided us confidential. We do not share emails, addresses, phone numbers, etc. with any other organization or group.of help and we certainly welcome it all.